Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The #5 and #6 tasks turned out to be an easy and fun job. I was able to post a picture I took before and upload some pictures in Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/freshmeadows/1640625668/ . I also created a trading card with one of my photos using FD Toys' Trading Card Maker http://www.flickr.com/photos/freshmeadows/1676377286/. I consider myself to be on the right track with QL Learning 2.0.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

This is an inside picture of the ground floor for Shanghai Library, in Shanghai, China. The huge open space with the skylight shown in the picture is very impressive. I felt I was walking in a hotel lobby when I was there. On this floor behind those posts in the pictures are OPAC area, circulation desk, a bookstore/gift shop and circulating material reading room.

Friday, October 5, 2007

7 1/2 habits of lifelong learning

100 words to write about your thoughts...
A learning process is a proces of learning new skills, acquire new knowledge, develope a new intertest or start a new position. For work, it is easy to set up immedicate goals for myself or for my subordinates to learn new procedures or implement new policies, however, it is not that easy to learn anything new in your life. Most people never want to change their life styles, not to say to take any responsibility for your own learning. Some people like to change and learn, but can hardly follow through. I found myself also fall into this group. I like to learn new things, but I am afraid of not beinjg able to reach my goal, therefore hesitate to take steps and make any commitment. I have just started to participate in Learning 2.0 project, I am hoping this will give me a push in learning more tech skills.

First step for Learning 2.0

I am always in favor of lifelong learning and naturally it is great to learn that QL is actually offering this opportunity for all staff, to learn new skills to help us be able to keep up with our customers. So, I am jumping on it as soon as I can. However, I realize that it takes a lot more than a few minutes a week to follow the weekly tasks. For me, I could not find the time to do it at work and I have to spend my day off sitting at home to creat my first gmail account and writing my first blog. But it is fun and I knwo I will like it. It appears that not as many people as I thought who are signing for this project in the community libraries so far. I think if the team offers more support to help walk through some of the steps, we will see more participants.