Friday, December 21, 2007

#23 I am crossing the finish line!!

I can not believe I finally made it to the finish line! It was not easy for me to make the fist step, but at the end, I only have positive comments about this project. I found that I am not as computer illiterate as I thought I was.

I discovered a few useful tools I never would have the chance to use if it is not for this project. After getting over the anxiety and frustration, I do enjoy the excitement of learning new tools and I plan to continue to use these new tools.

Very likely I will participate in other similar project in the future; however, it will definitely work out better for me if it goes a slower pace.

Finally, I want to thank you, QL L2.0 team: your continuous support and encouragement made the learning process smooth and fun. Thank you.


hood_and_hat said...

Everyone seems to want a slower pace. Perhaps one thing per week? Maybe with a bonus challenge for those who want to do more.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Karen, QL L2.0

funlearning said...

Among 17 fulltime staff here, there are only two librarians including me who signed up for this program. I pushed people to sign up at staff meeting, but it did not work. Younger librarians feel they already know the stuff and don't want to spend time on this and it is even harder to sell to the clerical staff. The fact is there is hardly any chance to work on the exercises at work, I did everything from home computer. As Library 2.0 moves forward and is implemented more and more into our daily service, staff then will have no choice but to learn. By then, exercises of some of the new tools should be incorporated into QL mandatory training module.